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Gen Z: Over-Emotional or Underrated?

I hate to break it to you, but your old Pop-Pop is right: kids these days DO handle their emotions differently than previous generations (I’ll spare you the rest of the “Back in my day...” speech). More specifically, recent research has shown that Gen Z young adults (who are currently between 15 and 21 years old) are less likely to report good mental health compared to other generations.

But before we jump to any conclusions about what this means, let’s take a second to ask an important question: Why does this trend exist? Can we really chalk up an entire generation’s mental health issues to them simply being “too soft,” or is there something bigger going on here? Spoiler alert: it’s the latter.


One recurring theme in psychology is addressing the context or situation. So in this case, we want to look at what is the actual cause of Gen Z’s bad mental health. According to the APA, Gen Z adults are more likely than any other adults to report and experience chronic stress related to current news topics such as:

  • Mass shootings

  • The rise in suicide rates

  • Climate change and global warming

  • Separation/Deportation of immigrant and migrant families

  • Widespread sexual harassment/assault reports

Any of these topics alone are enough to cause significant stress in a person’s life, especially when we consider the compounding effect of all of these things happening at once to a person whose brain isn’t even fully developed yet. 

Another point to consider is the recent shift in how American society is working to eliminate the stigma against mental health. In other words, we have learned how much harm poor mental health can do and we are much more open to addressing these issues (talking about it freely, going to therapy, etc.) than we have been in the past. So the fact of Gen Z members being more likely to get help is not a result of them being “over-emotional” or “sensitive,” but actually a result of valuing their mental health and addressing the huge amount of chronic stress they feel in their everyday lives.


It’s likely pretty clear at this point that Gen Z is struggling with mental health. However, as this new generation adapts to the relevant stressors present in their lives, many are finding ways to cope and press on despite the challenges they face. For instance, many of the above listed chronic stressors have led to increased activism in younger adults as they fight for what they value and believe in.

Also, as previously mentioned, many members of Gen Z turn to others to help them through the hard times rather than internalizing or denying their mental health needs. Even though they are described as “the loneliest generation,” those who turn to their support system (family, friends, community) or to a medical professional should be applauded for attempting to cope with their troubles in a healthy way.

Finally, there is the infamous mechanism of using humor to cope with Gen Z troubles, specifically the use of “dark humor” that not everyone seems to find very funny. Since I could likely talk about this topic for a while (if it helps or hurts people in the long run, if it should be encouraged or not, if some people should be banned from making jokes at all), I will be saving all those juicy details for a separate discussion, so stay tuned!


Now that we know what we know, it’s hard to label Gen Z kids as “weak” for being in touch with their emotions and for enduring a wide variety of chronic stressors each day. Things seem pretty bleak, and you may be wondering where we go from here. Many of the chronic stressors listed above aren’t problems that can be fixed with a simple magic trick (although it would be pretty cool if they could, right?).

With the recent increase in cases of depression and anxiety, there is a call to action directed towards the healthcare industry as they work to treat mental issues more frequently and effectively. Recent discoveries and advancements in the field of psychology and medicine are promising, but it is important to realize we still have a long way to go.

I would say a more attainable course of action for us as individuals is to adopt healthier lifestyle habits (especially if you are experiencing a large amount of chronic stress). These habits can be as simple as getting enough sleep, engaging in social interaction, being physically active (even if it’s just a quick walk around your neighborhood), eating regularly, things like that. Most of all, I would advise you to establish meaningful connections and find a purposeful passion in your life, whatever that may be. Finally, if you still find yourself in need of some help, don’t be ashamed or afraid to ask for it.

And if you’re still worried about Gen Z, know this: they are stronger than you might think!


Gen Z more likely to report mental health concerns

Stress in America™ Generation Z

Stress, Mental Health, and Generation Z

New Cigna Study Reveals Loneliness at Epidemic Levels in America


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