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Guided Journals for Lost Beginners

Are you interested in starting a journal, but not sure where to start? Don't be scared, you are not alone! Many people who are curious about journaling as a healthy outlet find themselves intimidated by that cold, heartless stare of a blank page. 

Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a book can be a truly great way to help you maintain a positive outlook on life and stay mentally healthy. And yet, trying to start one from scratch can be super daunting and awkward. Lucky for you, there are lots of really cool books that can help you grow more comfortable with writing and can turn a tedious-sounding activity into something genuinely fun.

Here is a list of some genuinely interesting guided journals (all of which can be found with a quick search on Amazon). Don't be shy, check 'em out!



If you don't feel quite ready to delve into writing lengthy paragraphs, then this book of listing prompts may be perfect for you. Not only is the book aesthetically pleasing to look at, but this it is designed to help you unlock the key to your own happiness:

"This beautiful, undated hardcover journal with 52 listing prompts encourages readers to reflect, acknowledge, and invest in themselves, and ultimately transform their lives by figuring out exactly what makes them happy."

And if you like the idea, but don't love the sole focus on happiness, this particular author has a whole collection of similar journals that all focus on different elements of your life, including Calm, Project, Planner, Togetherness, and Bravery.



This journal is actually one that I own for myself, and although I haven't quite finished it yet, I  have found it to be really fun and interesting. It could also double as a sketchbook, but you don't have to be an artist to enjoy the journal. There are a few moments where you are invited to do some light self reflection, but many pages are about playfully interacting with the world around you.

"Through a series of creative and quirky prompts, acclaimed guerilla artist Keri Smith encourages journalers to engage in destructive actspoking holes through pages, adding photos and defacing them, painting pages with coffee, coloring outside the lines, and morein order to experience the true creative process."

The light-hearted and free nature of this journal is also a great activity to do with friends who are also interested in trying to start a journal. And then by the end, you will have both shared memories and your own personal masterpiece to admire.



Same author as the last one, but this journal is more about appreciating mess and making mistakes than about trying to create something beautiful. It doesn't require any overthinking or planning; it is supposed to be a place to escape all the order and rules of everyday life. A dash of chaos to help keep you sane - nothing more, nothing less.

"Your whole life, you’ve been taught to avoid making a mess: try to keep everything under control, color inside the lines, make it perfect, and at all costs, avoid contact with things that stain.

This book asks you to do the opposite of what you have been taught. Think of it as your own personal rumpus room. A place to let loose, to trash, to spew, to do the things you are not allowed to do in the “real world."



Yet another masterpiece by Keri Smith, so the same quirky and unique prompt style, except this book involves science, too. The main purpose behind this guided journal is to help you see the world around you in a way you have never seen it before. This is a great opportunity for curious, science-oriented minds and for people who are looking to change their perspective of the world.

"The mission Smith proposes? To document and observe the world around you as if you’ve never seen it before. Take notes. Collect things you find on your travels. Document findings. Notice patterns. Copy. Trace. Focus on one thing at a time. Record what you are drawn to."



In this private journal, you are prompted to be completely honest with yourself through reflections, confessions and (ideally) some self-discovery along the way. Designed to take the attention away from other people's confessions over social media feeds, this journal asks you the daring question: "How honest can you be when no one is watching?"

"Push your limits, reflect on your past, present, and future, and create a secret book that's about you, and just for you. This is not a diary, and there is no posting required. And when you're finished, toss it, hide it, or Burn After Writing."

*Note: From the description and reviews I've read, this journal seems particularly geared towards younger readers who are in their teenage years, so I would consider this when deciding whether or not to try it out.



Looking for a bit of uncensored humor and wit to spice up your journaling? This guided journal is full of the same sassy wisdom and strong energy that we all hope for in a friend. Without any kind of sugar-coating or cheesy language, this journal helps you let go of whatever is bringing you down so you can live your life to the absolute fullest.

"With Let That Sh*t Go, you’ll find moments of profanity-laced catharsis and joy through journaling activities and inspirations that are positive as f*ck. Within these truly charming pages, you’ll find ways to let go of the bullsh*t and lift your spirit a little f*cking higher."



What drew me in about this journal was how aesthetically beautiful it was with all the vibrant watercolor pictures and interesting calligraphy quotes. In addition to the visuals, this journal aims to inspire and motivate readers to explore who they are as individuals. The point is to help people get in touch with themselves (their values, hopes, dreams, etc.) through various prompts involving writing, drawing, chart making, and more.

"Start Where You Are is an interactive journal designed to help readers nurture their creativity, mindfulness, and self-motivation. It helps readers navigate the confusion and chaos of daily life with a simple reminder: that by taking the time to know ourselves and what those dreams are, we can appreciate the world around us and achieve our dreams."

So, consider this the metaphorical kick-in-the-butt you've been looking for, and let me know in the comments below which guided journal you would recommend to a friend.

Happy Journaling ☺


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